Sermons Out of Rural Ministry
Dynamic, contextual sermons from Pastor Josh Ehrler, who serves a small town ELCA Lutheran congregation in Northern Illinois. Sermons are rooted in scripture and reflect the local community, as well as the movements of the wider world. He and his congregation are affirming of LGBTQ+ personhood and live out their baptismal promise to seek (racial, economic, identity, environmental) justice and peace.
Sermons Out of Rural Ministry
A Less Likeable Jesus - Luke 4.22-30
Pastor Josh Ehrler
This week we find Jesus at the wrong end of his community's rage. They simply do not like the gospel he is speaking and they respond by attempting to throw him off a cliff. One could say, and Luke kind of implies, that they see him as the devil. That's quite the shift in perspective for a guy these same people were raving about and cheering on earlier in the day. How quickly does our opinion of Jesus change when we discover that some of his words don't align with our way of walking the world? When do we get to the point of wanting Jesus out of our lives?