Sermons Out of Rural Ministry
Dynamic, contextual sermons from Pastor Josh Ehrler, who serves a small town ELCA Lutheran congregation in Northern Illinois. Sermons are rooted in scripture and reflect the local community, as well as the movements of the wider world. He and his congregation are affirming of LGBTQ+ personhood and live out their baptismal promise to seek (racial, economic, identity, environmental) justice and peace.
Podcasting since 2016 • 231 episodes
Sermons Out of Rural Ministry
Latest Episodes
A Less Likeable Jesus - Luke 4.22-30
This week we find Jesus at the wrong end of his community's rage. They simply do not like the gospel he is speaking and they respond by attempting to throw him off a cliff. One could say, and Luke kind of implies, that they see him as the devil...

Bringing the Gospe Home - Luke 4.14-21
Its one thing for Jesus to be out in the world doing his thing, tossing tables and tossing around sickness and demons. Then Jesus went to his home synagogue, as he normally did (Luke's phrase). His hard words of confronting the destructive powe...

Jesus's Coming Out Party - John 2.1-12
Every gospel has the first public act of Jesus, and in John, that public act is barely noticed. No one runs up to him, no one is in awe of his words, no one wants healing or demon casting. Jesus is practically invisible, but not entirely. Someo...